Thursday, November 29, 2007

Shopping day

Finally I got out today to do some Christmas shopping. My husband is going to be so upset with me when he gets home from his hunting trip because I've spent all the money while he was gone...LOL! My mom, Allison and I went to Sam's Club and Toys R Us today. Allison scored a chalk/dry erase easel and a Disney Princess Enchanted Tales table and chair set for Christmas. I have a little more to get for her, but she's almost done as far as gifts go from us. I also got a few things I needed for other people, so all in all it was a successful shopping trip day. I'm pooped out though from it all.

I have another template for this week I need to upload, I will try to get it up later tonight or tomorrow for you guys. Thanks to Candy Cook for using my Snowflake template and featuring it on her blog. It looks wonderful.

I am so excited that this blog has gotten off to a great success. I'm hoping I can keep up and get you all more great freebies out there soon.